
How can it not be enough for all of us to shout, as we do – from the bottom of our souls and the top of our hearts – STOP.

And it all stops.

The relentless, destructive bombardment and assault of Gaza stops.

The cruel, unlawful imprisonment of hostages stops.

The callous disregard for childhood stops.

The siege and blockade that have made life in Gaza so harsh, so harrowing, and so deadly – not just in these past four weeks but for years – stop.

The artillery rockets streaming out of Gaza into Israel stop.

The unlawful, endlessly-encroaching occupation stops.

The threats to Israel’s very existence, from so many sides, stop.

The vicious, hateful anti-Semitism, spiraling through social media, on display in vandalism and protest slogans, and echoing down through decades and centuries, stops.

The terrifying Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism, which rears its ugly, hateful head in so many corners of society, and is so often given a free pass by cloaking it in talk of security, stops.

The utter contempt for international law, for human rights, for equality and for justice stops.

The lies and disinformation stop.

The double speak from other governments, including our own, talking of pauses over ceasefires, stops.

The flow of arms and weaponry stops.

The hypocrisy and double standards stop.

The refusal and inability truly to hear each other stop.

And instead…

We say no to bombs, rockets and war as any answer to insecurity.

We end the sieges, blockades and occupation that are ripping human rights apart.

We embrace the sanctity of childhood.

We refuse any path forward that is not grounded fully and completely in respect for international law.

We ensure that hospitals, ambulances, schools and refugee camps are safe.

We no longer couch everything in equivocation and excuses, and we no longer end every sentence with ‘but’.

We listen and learn.

We search for and uphold the truth.

We lift each other up; equally.

We make it absolutely clear that we mean it, and reject any suggestion that we are naive.

We shout all of that and more.

So, where are the leaders?

Where are the leaders so achingly, desperately needed at this anguished time, who are prepared to shout alongside us, and make it stop? 

Where are the leaders who are bold in their vision and courageous in their conviction, and know that it must stop, now?

Where are the leaders who realize that calling for international law to be respected and failing to speak out when it is violated is to tear down those crucial principles?

Where are the leaders who know this is no time to veto and abstain?

As never before we have needed those leaders.

Instead, we lead; and we insist that they follow.


On Israel-Gaza, Canada must rise to the humanity of the moment


Protecting civilians in both Israel and Gaza is critical for peace and justice